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Growing Strawberries at Home

                               ost of us are city people, so       because its made by the parts of the plans
                               it’s probably that we never         that fall in to the ground, so it is very rich
                               have been in direct contact         in  nutrients  from  vegetal  origin,  beside  it
                      M  the  growing  and  har-                   is  easy  to  be  graved  by  the  roots  of  the
              vesting the vegetables we take to our ta-            plants and it keeps the humidity well.
              bles. For us the food comes from the mark-                   The best way to start growing plants
              er or supermarket. But growing some fruit            is mixing those kind of soils to make a fer-
              at our homes can be a useful and tasty ex-           tile ground for your plants.
                                                                           Where to plant?
                      There are a lot of fruits that you can
              grow  at  your  house,  for  reasons  of  space              If you have a garden you can choose
              we are going to about the strawberry. But            a spot in it. It must be a place where the
              first we are going to sum up sum important           sun hits at least two hours a day, so your
              previous  that  anyone  who  wants  to  start        plants have a nice dose of sunlight. If you
              growing plants at home should know.                  plan to grow your plants indoors you should
                                                                   think also in a well lighted by sun space in
                      Our greatest ally, the soil.
                                                                   your house to put the pot with your plant.
                      If  you  ever  played  with  the  mud                It’s  also  useful  to  have  a  germina-
              when you where a kid, you can see there              tion  box  or  pot  where  you  can  sew  the
              are  different  kinds  of  soil  you  should  be     seeds  and  watch  them  carefully  on  their
              familiar with; first of all we have the sand.        first  stages  of  growth  you  can use  an egg
              Unlike  the  sand  of  the  beaches,  the  sand      carton, because it is indeed a really good
              we can find in Leon isn’t made from small            place to put your seeds,  it already comes
              pieces  of  shells,  but  small  (really  small)     separated in small compartments and, best
              pieces of stone. The sand isn’t a very good          of all, it’s completely biodegradable so you
              soil to grow fruit because it’s a little poor        don’t  have  to  take  the  plants  out  of  it
              in  nutrients,  but  is  important  because  it      when  they  have  grown,  you  just  have  to
              can provide some minerals that the plants            plant them in the pot of in the spot on the
              really need.                                         garden you want them to be.

                      The second type of soil is the mud,                  Now we can talk about growing the
              is a sticky kind of dirt and it can be used to       plants.
              build walls, homes, and even be cooked to
              make any kind of pottery. You can learn if                   The strawberry.
              the soil you have at your disposal is rich in                To  grow  strawberries  at  your  home
              mud  if  you  can  take  some  of  it  when  its     you  have  to  get  some  seeds,  you  can  get
              wet  and  make  a  donut  with  your  fingers.       them from the very same strawberries you
              The mud can be useful for growing plants             buy in the market or supermarket. As you
              too  but  is  can  be  hard  for  the  roots  to     can  see  the  strawberry  doesn’t  have  its
              make they way trough it, so you can mix it           seeds  inside,  but  all  around  the  fruit,  so
              with sand to make it easy to penetrate for           you  can  peel  the  strawberry  and  have  al-
              the roots of your plants.                            most the whole fruit to eat and the peeling
                      The  third  kind  of  soil  you  have  to    has enough seeds for you to start growing
              know is the organic soil, or leaf soil, it is a      your strawberries.
              really good kind of soil to grow plans in it

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