Page 21 - Revista RenaSer 6ta Edición
P. 21

Growing Strawberries at Home

                 You  can  prepare  the  soil  in  your        already have one you will see how it start
          germination box, then put the peeling over           to grow “children” of its own, and as a bad
          it and then cover them with barely enough            mother, push them away. You just have to
          dirt so you can’t see them anymore, then             make  sure  the  strawberry  “child”  has  a
          you  place  your  germination  box  in  a  well      nice  soil  to  plant itself  and  when it´s  big
          sun  lighted  place  and  every  day,  or  even      enough and rooted enough, you can cut the
          twice a day, you have to make sure the soil          mother´s stem and move to the place you
          is  moist,  you  will  be  watering  the             think it´s more suitable for it.
          germination box so its always wet.
                                                                       This is not only a nice and delicious
                 By  the  way,  remember  to  no               hobby,  it  can  teach  us  some  important
          overwater the germination box, it must be            values  for  our  lives.  For  example,  the
          wet,  nut  not  flooded,  don’t  worry  if  you      taking care of a plant since it was a small
          flood it once, our good friend, the sun, will        seed can teach us the responsibility to take
          take  care  of  it.  And  you  should  put  a        care of other creatures of the nature. The
          plastic  bag  or  a  plastic
          board      beneath       the
          germination box in case it
                 After  two  or  three
          weeks  you  will  se  how
          some pairs of small green
          dots  will  be  showing  on
          your    germination     box.
          These aren`t still the leafs
          of  the  strawberry,  but
          they  will  work  as  if  they
          were,  they  will  increase
          size  and  soon  in  the
          middle  of  them  a  really
          small  strawberry  leaf  is
          going  to  grow,  then  another,  and  then          slow, yet rewarding grow of the plants can
          another more. They will continue growing,            teach  us  about  the  ways  we  take  in  life
          and when you dee the tiny plant is the size          and the projects that we make. How some
          of  the  palm  of  your  hand,  you  can             of them won´t realize,  but some of them
          transplant  the  plant  to  the  garden  or  to      will,  and  those  that  will,  will  require
          the pot you have for it.                             patience, dedication, effort, and a big deal
                                                               of eagerness.
                 This  is  a  slow  process,  but  if  you
          continue  taking  care  of  your  plants  soon              Good  luck  in  the  growing  of  your
          you  will  see  how  they  grow  flowers  and        new plants.
          bear  fruits,  how  the fruits  get  bigger  and
          red,  and  there  you  go!  You  have  grown  a
          strawberry at your own home.                                Written by Santiago de María Bravo
                                                               Álvarez Malo
                 Besides,  the  strawberry  it’s  a  “bad
          mother” kind of plant, it means once you

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